All-Terrain Law advises clients in developing large and small infrastructure projects. Some representative projects include:
Multi-state transmission lines
Mutli-state water infrastructure
Utility-scale wind and solar projects
Educational facilities
Mining projects
Small-scale wastewater facilities
Roads and access rights
All-Terrain Law regularly works in multi-disciplinary teams with client legal and operational groups, engineers and resources specialists, government agencies and other outside legal counsel. All-Terrain Law has experience leading such teams as well as serving with other lawyers operating as a virtual law firm.

All-Terrain Law represents companies and state and local governments in a variety of Indian law and indigenous peoples issues, including:
Transactions with Native Nations for on- and off-reservation business ventures and natural resource development.
Crafting engagement strategies with Native Nations, including communications, cooperation and benefit agreements.
BIA mineral and business leases and rights-of-way.
Tribal consultation, traditional cultural property and sacred site issues.
Defending challenges to federal project approvals under the Administrative Procedures Act.
Navigating complex issues of sovereign immunity, jurisdiction and the regulatory and adjudicatory authority of Native Nations.
Harmonizing compliance with domestic US law with international indigenous peoples rights.
All-Terrain Law represents clients with projects or business transactions that involve Native Nations. Connie Rogers, Principal of All-Terrain Law, has experience with numerous tribes throughout the western U.S., including Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming.

Because much of the land throughout the West is owned by federal and state governments, many major projects occurs on public lands. All-Terrain Law has extensive experience with the federal and state agencies that must review and approve such projects. All-Terrain Law Principal Connie Rogers' experience includes both private practice and previously serving as Deputy Solicitor of the U.S. Department of the Interior.
All-Terrain Law represents clients on the full range of legal issues and stakeholder processes involved with mineral and energy development (conventional and renewable) and infrastructure on public lands, including:
National Environmental Policy Act
National Historic Preservation Act
Federal Land Policy and Management Act
National Forest Management Act
Archaeological Resources Protection Act
Paleontological Resources Preservation Act
Endangered Species Act
Mineral Leasing Act
Indian Mineral Leasing Act
General Mining Law
Freedom of Information Act (and similar state laws)

Of the laws regularly implicated by use of federal lands or requiring federal approvals, Connie is nationally-recognized for her experience related to cultural resources and historic preservation, including compliance with:
The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
The Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA)
The Antiquities Act
Connie regularly helps clients navigate reviews under the NHPA known as the "section 106" process, including negotiating memoranda of agreement and programmatic agreements. ​
Connie has also defended civil enforcement for alleged violations of ARPA, including working hand-in-hand with forensic archaeologists to develop an accurate factual record.